Job Opportunities > Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) : OPEN! - Fairbanks North Star Borough School District - Deadline: January 12, 2025

Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)

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OPEN! - Fairbanks North Star Borough School District - Deadline: January 12, 2025

Start Date:As Mutually Agreed UponEnrollment:Over 12,000
Website:Visit WebsiteState:AK
Compensation:The salary will be highly competitive with a comprehensive benefit package. The final salary for the successful candidate will be negotiated and determined based upon proven experience, qualifications and meeting Board criteria.

Application Deadline: January 12, 2025

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Additional Information:

The Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) is responsible for the comprehensive management of all HR functions within the school district, serving as a strategic decision-maker who drives and aligns HR practices with the district's strategic planning. Core duties include the recruitment, hiring, and placement of employees, promoting positive employee relations; administering employee benefits; and overseeing workforce planning and administration. The
CHRO also ensures compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Title IX requirements, among other essential HR functions. Additionally, the CHRO advises principals, managers, and supervisors, supervises the implementation of the district's evaluation systems, interprets and applies negotiated agreements, manages relationships with bargaining unit representatives, develops policies and procedures, and oversees the division’s budgets and operations.

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Ray and Associates, Inc.
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402-3221
Ph:  319-393-3115

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